Fish Fry Dinner 2024 Review

The 13th annual Lenten Fish Fry was a huge success. The abundance of volunteers included Thursday afternoon Prep crew of Grace and Ken Zaveckas, Cherie and Paul Colomb, Bonnie Isenberger, Jeanne Blaker, and Laura Potter. Friday prep, servers, and workers included Biff Rosensteel, Karen and Ed Szoke, Andrea Switzer, Nicole Redding, Therese Prevoznik, Regina Hollar, Mary Malewicki, Diane Reid, Margaret Myers, Leslie Callahan, Suzanne Landis, Kay Walters, Tony and Barbara Redding, and Caleb and Kaitlyn Repp. Mike Flynn ably assisted Matt Redding in the washroom all five weeks. Frank Tharp and Mike Landis were Exchequer. Sanitation was Matt Redding and Mike Flynn. Deacon Pray ably filled in as needed over four weeks. A few of our younger school students were allowed to serve for experience, with the youngest being a 6th grader.

Saving us the expense of buying desserts, the PCCW and parish ladies who donated fully cooked/bought desserts included Winne McMaster, Cherie Colomb, Jeanne Blaker, Nancy Newbold, Regina Hollar, Cheryl Guy, Teri Gelles, Bonnie Isenberger, Lucy Jurcak, Helen DeFayette, Jaime Synamamon, Harriet Glass, Laura Potter, Kay Walters, Katie O’Farrell, Emilie McGinnis, Sue Wilson, Rita Tuchalski, Betty Wicker, Maritza Torres, Connie Trump, Mary Maliwicki , Karen Szoke, Alexis Matthews and Deacon Pray! 

I want to thank and bring special attention to Kim Reiner for coordinating the parish school kids that “volunteered” to serve, man the take-out station, helped in the washroom, and assisted the seniors in obtaining their meals. They include Grace Hewitt, Catherine Kelly, Noah Flickinger, Elizabeth Smith, William Smith, Kaitlyn Synnamon, Caroline Kelly, Alex Staub, William Rupp, Elijah Love, Josie Switzer, Sophia Love, Olivia Kelly, Axel Esquivas, Alexis Matthews, Stanislav Miller, Kalen Wilson, Grace Willard, Nora St. Clair, Sasha Aviles, Conor Adams, Abby Chaney, Arianna Cook, Charlie Strauss, Nicholas and Issac Ramirez, and Nigel Rozario. More comments were made about them and they assisted more seniors than ever before. A pizza party for all of them will follow at a later date.

Deliso Ristorante Pizza continued their tradition of donating at cost 40 pizzas, over the five weeks. 

Fr. Pistone’s original goal of “a gathering of St. Francis and community for friendship and fellowship” for all was still applicable and continues on.

Again, thank you all who helped make this happen. Check out the photos in our Facebook album.


Final numbers – 

1,458 people served                                     

620 lbs. of fish served                                    

$15,080 returned to the parish; 13-yr. total now at $88,686.


Eight Days of Eucharistic Joy/National Eucharistic Pilgrimage


Sunday of the Word of God