Children & Youth
What is the purpose of Parish Religious Education?
The Goal
The goal of Religious Education, as presented in the National Catechetical Directory (#32), is “to develop a living, conscious, active faith life within the Christian community”. Saint Francis Xavier Parish Religious Education Program fulfills this goal through the dedication of our volunteer catechists and aides, as well as the materials and prayer experiences used to share faith with our parish youth.
The Objectives
◊ To present a comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith, that integrates knowledge of the faith with living the faith.
◊ To center on initiation into the life of the Triune God.
◊ To be appropriate to the age level, maturity, circumstances, language and ethnic background of each participant.
◊ To involve all members of the parish community, particularly the parents.
◊ To focus on the symbols, rituals and prayers of the Church.
◊ To enable the believers to live out their faith in their everyday life.
National Directory for Catechesis (NDC, 2005)
St. Francis Xavier Parish Religious Education Program (PREP)
The Religious Education office is located at Xavier Center.
Office Hours
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday; 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
“Educate them in the Christian
way of life.”
St. Francis Xavier
As parents, our most important task is to guide our children toward Heaven. Our Religious Education Office is here to support you in that task by providing religious instruction, materials, and opportunities for growth.
Mass Attendance
Eucharist is the Source and Summit of our Catholic Faith; therefore, Religious Education is NOT a substitute for Sunday Liturgy. Parents are reminded to bring their children to Mass weekly. A bilingual Mass will be held two times each semester. Religious Education students and their families are encouraged to attend. Since Mass is such an integral part of the practice of the faith, lack of attendance at Mass may influence your child’s readiness to receive their First Communion or Confirmation.
Health Procedures
Parents are asked to advise teachers of any health situation which may affect their child’s class participation. It is Diocesan Policy that we have a health form and an emergency release for each child registered in the RE Program. No child will be permitted to remain in class without these forms.
Parents are also encouraged to help their children learn the formal prayers listed in their textbooks and on their grade level prayer sheets. A pamphlet of Catholic prayers will also be sent home for parents to use as a resource. Personal prayer time together as a family is essential in developing children’s lives of faith.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Parents are encouraged to bring their child/ren when necessary at the regularly scheduled time for Confession. Please check the “Confessions” tab on our website for most updated times.
The Details
Important Info for in-person PREP:
Please drop off and pick up your child at their classroom.
No child will be permitted to wait unattended
No child will be permitted to wait outside the building or in the parking lot.
Parents must come inside the building to pick up their child.
All students must be registered each year.
Register for 2024-2025 today!
$80 for 1 child
$160 for 2 or more children
Please note:
*A Baptismal Certificate must accompany the registration form for new students to the program.
*Those who cannot meet the full fee are invited to apply for full or partial scholarships. No student will be refused because of inability to pay tuition.
*No tuition is charged to the children of our teachers and aides.
*Teachers and aides must comply with diocesan youth clearance requirements.
Class Dates/Times
For those receiving Sacraments:
Religious education classes for students who do not attend Catholic School and who are preparing to receive the sacrament of First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation in 2024 or 2025 will be meeting in-person on Sundays from 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. (see PREP calendar for more details). Classes are not held on holiday weekends (see calendar). When students are absent, they are asked to complete the missed lesson at home and to bring a note from parents when they return to class.
Cancellation information will be posted by text, email, on the parish app, Facebook, and WhatsApp.
Attendance & Promptness
Your child is expected to attend all sessions unless ill or for some other serious reason.
Multiple absences may influence your child’s readiness to receive the sacraments.
When a child is absent, a note should be given to the child’s teacher explaining the reason for the absence.
The teacher will go over with the child the work he/she needs to make-up.
Please inform us if there is a shared custody situation and if your child will be missing many classes.
For students not receiving sacraments:
Instruction for non-sacramental year students (students who will not be receiving the sacrament of First Communion or Confirmation in 2024 or 2025) will be online. Students will be using a virtual textbook (actual bilingual textbooks will also be provided).
PREP Calendar
Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) calendars are available at parent meetings and in the Religious Education office.
Mass Times
Mass is celebrated both at the Historic Church (25 W. High Street)
and at the Xavier Center (465 Table Rock Road).
7:30 am (English) Historic Church
9:00 am (Bilingual) Xavier Center | Centro Xavier**
10:30 am (English) Historic Church
12:00 pm (Español) Centro Xavier
**Hybrid & Live Stream
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
6:30 pm (Español) Iglesia Histórica
12:00 pm (English) Historic Church
Adoration following Mass until 5:00 pm
4:00 pm (English) Historic Church