Ministry of Mercy
The St. Francis Xavier Ministry of Mercy performs the spiritual and corporal works of mercy to help those who are most vulnerable in our community.
The Corporal Works of Mercy
Feed the Hungry & Give Drink to the Thirsty
Members of the PCCW coordinate donating food to the Gettysburg Area Soup Kitchen on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Youth serve at the Gettysburg Area Soup Kitchen (when it is permitted)
The parish and school donate goods or money to Ruth’s Harvest and SCCAP (South Central Community Action Program)
Visit the Sick
Our Homebound and Nursing Home/Hospital Ministry and Opcion Misionera is a robust ministry that currently serves more than 50 people. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion visit those who cannot come to Mass in person. Other parishioners have also offered to drive other parishioners to appointments.
Shelter the Homeless
St. Francis Xavier supports the efforts of:
Gettysburg CARES (Combined Area Resources for Emergency Shelter). CARES houses up to 31 people at area churches during winter months. Because of our space, we cannot host in our facility, but there are many parishioners who host overnight during the winter months. CARES also has resource center next to St James Lutheran where they help sort permanent housing, provide a mailing address, provide showers and a clothes washing facility.
SCCAP (South Central Community Action Program) who hosts a shelter on Stratton Street
Agape House (a mission of the Adams County Rescue Mission) on Chambersburg Street
Adams County Rescue Mission which facilitates a men’s housing program on site
Mercy House on High Street
Refugees in the Harrisburg Diocese through the work of Catholic Charities
Give Alms to the Poor
St. Francis Xavier’s St. Vincent de Paul ministry assists those who call the parish office seeking assistance. They meet with our coordinators and are able to ask for help once a year. SVdP assistance is given directly to those whom money is owed (landlords, bills, etc.) or the individuals are given gift cards.
Coordinators: Randy Parmentier & Connie Canute
The SFX Poor Box assists (Donations to below organizations made with consultation/approval of the pastor):
Individuals (through St. Vincent de Paul ministry)
Prison Ministry
Visit the Imprisoned
Volunteers from the PCCW (Parish Council of Catholic Women) have participated in Prison Ministry under Chaplain Perez’s leadership at the Adams County Correctional Facility.
Bury the Dead
The St. Francis Xavier Arimatheans attend funeral Masses to support the families and participate in the reciting the responses for Mass, since there are many family members attending funerals who are not Catholic.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy
Instruct the Ignorant
Seminars on Catholic Social Teaching and other social issues
PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) - Catechesis for children ages Pre-K - 8th Grade
St. Paul’s Street Evangelization
Counsel the Doubtful
St. Paul’s Street Evangelization
Admonish the Sinner
Penance Services during Lent and Advent
Accountability & Transparency among staff and parish leaders
Forgive Injuries
Sacrament of Reconciliation offered weekly
Advent & Lent Penance Services
Comfort the Sorrowful
Cards are sent to individuals and families after funerals after 6 months and after 1 year.
Arimatheans Ministry
Pray for the Living & the Dead
Adoration is offered each Friday after the Noon Mass until 5:00 pm.
St. Monica’s Prayer Group meets each Tuesday to pray for vocations and for others in our parish, country, and world
In November, we pray specifically for all the souls in purgatory and most specifically those from our parish family who have passed away.
Mass Times
Mass is celebrated both at the Historic Church (25 W. High Street)
and at the Xavier Center (465 Table Rock Road).
7:30 am (English) Historic Church
9:00 am (Bilingual) Xavier Center | Centro Xavier**
10:30 am (English) Historic Church
12:00 pm (Español) Centro Xavier
**Hybrid & Live Stream
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
6:30 pm (Español) Iglesia Histórica
12:00 pm (English) Historic Church
Adoration following Mass until 5:00 pm
4:00 pm (English) Historic Church