Parish Organizations
The Pastoral Council is preeminently responsible for the advancement of the pastoral mission of the parish. Members of the Pastoral Council are practicing Catholics, at least 18 years old, and members of SFX Parish, who have a deep commitment of faith and concern for the needs of the parish. They understand and accept the spiritual and practical commitment required of Pastoral Council members. The Pastoral Council consists of ex officio members, elected members, and appointed members. Elections are announced and facilitated as member terms expire.
Current Pastoral Council Members:
Fr. Stephen Kelley, Pastor
Fr. Michael Pray, Parochial Vicar
Mark Murphy, Chair
Megan Cellucci, Vice Chair
Katie Neiderer, SecretaryMichele Behan
Lesa Bird
John Kelly
Mike Landis
Esmeralda Lua
America Magana
Lee Marsiglia
Jane Oyler
Holly SefterPaul Colomb, Finance Council, Ex Officio
Debbie Holt, Director of Religious Education, Ex Officio
Becca Dickerson, Director of Evangelization, Ex Officio
Becky Sieg, School Principal, Ex OfficioMichael Polcovich, School Advisory Board, Ex Officio
The Parish Finance Council assists the pastor in the financial planning and use of money in the Parish and the School.
The Comité de Cristo Rey meets monthly to discuss all ministry, groups, and events in the Hispanic community at St. Francis Xavier.
Contact Carlos Barrona, Chair of the Comité de Cristo Rey
Building & Grounds assists with the evaluation, planning, maintenance and physical upkeep of the parish facilities.
Contact Harry Holt
The SFX Knight so Columbus are a lay organization of Catholic men founded on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism, to foster the work of the Catholic Church.
Caballeros de Colón es una organización de hombres laicos católicos fundado en los principios de caridad, unidad, fraternidad y patriotismo, para fomentar el trabajo de la Iglesia Católica.
Contacto Pedro Garcia, Gran Caballero
The Parish Council of Catholic Women participates with parish women in their spiritual journey to provide leadership and service to the parish and wider community. They work to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in Spirituality, Leadership and Service.
Contact Cherie Colomb, President of the PCCW
Visit PCCW Website -
The Ministry of Mercy Team performs the spiritual and corporal works of mercy to help those who are most vulnerable in our community. Under the umbrella of the Ministry of Mercy sits our St. Vincent de Paul ministry, homebound ministry, and all other commitments and projects with which we participate in the Gettysburg and Adams County community.
Cub Scouts meet each week at the Xavier Center to help train boys and girls to become the best students, leaders, friends, and Catholics they can be.
The liturgy committee and the parish staff help to plan liturgies for the different seasons in the Church.
Contact Joanne Garnett, Coordinator of the Liturgy Committee
Mass Times
Mass is celebrated both at the Historic Church (25 W. High Street)
and at the Xavier Center (465 Table Rock Road).
7:30 am (English) Historic Church
9:00 am (Bilingual) Xavier Center | Centro Xavier**
10:30 am (English) Historic Church
12:00 pm (Español) Centro Xavier
**Hybrid & Live Stream
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
6:30 pm (Español) Iglesia Histórica
12:00 pm (English) Historic Church
Adoration following Mass until 5:00 pm
4:00 pm (English) Historic Church