Parish Registration
Register as a parishioner here at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish.
We're happy you are here!
New Parishioners...and folks already here, too!
We are asking all parishioners, whether you are brand new or have been here for 50 years, to complete the registration form.
We are delighted that you are considering registering (or re-registering!) to be a parishioner of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish. God never wants us to make our way to the kingdom alone and in isolation. We invite you to belong to our parish family!
Why Register?
Often people attend Mass at a parish for months or sometimes years, but never officially register. Registering at St. Francis Xavier is the expression of your commitment to being part of our parish community. Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it is time for receiving sacraments, registering for faith formation (religious education), sponsoring a sacrament recipient, and even planning funerals. A registered parishioner also receives all parish communications (emails, text messages, and postal messages).
New Registration - Welcome!
Simply complete this PARISH REGISTRATION FORM. It is form-fillable! Complete the form, save it, and then send it back to the St. Francis Xavier parish office by:
Submitting the form at the bottom of the form
Email to sacraments@sfxcs-pa.org
Mail to 455 Table Rock Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325, ATTN: Registration
Drop off at the parish office
Drop off in the vestibule of the Church when you attend Mass
Please consider signing up for our parish Online Giving – our preferred way for you to support our parish!
Feel free to call the parish office directly at 717-334-3919 with any questions you may have about new or re-registration(s). If you prefer not to print the form yourself, simply visit us in the parish office and we will be happy to provide you with a registration form.
Already a registered parishioner? Changes at home?
We are asking that ALL parish households re-register. It is always good to do a cleanse of our parish directory, especially after all these years! This is a great opportunity for St. Francis to account for new parishioners as well as parishioners who may have:
Recently moved
Changes in household members (births, deaths, graduations, and more)
Changes in your household information (address, phone number, email)
Simply complete this PARISH REGISTRATION FORM. It is form-fillable! Complete the form, save it, and then send it back to the St. Francis Xavier parish office by:
Submitting the completed form online at the bottom of the form
Email to sacraments@sfxcs-pa.org
Mail to 455 Table Rock Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325, ATTN: Registration
Drop off at the parish office
Drop off in the vestibule of the Church when you attend Mass
Am I a registered parishioner? Am I a practicing Catholic?
These are important questions we all should think about. Often, people come to us and request a sacrament, ask to be a godparent, volunteer to help with a liturgical ministry, or have another need and are surprised to learn they aren’t registered in the parish or are surprised to learn they aren’t a practicing Catholic. Let’s learn what these terms mean and what you can do to ensure you are both a registered parishioner and a practicing Catholic.
PLEASE NOTE: At this time, we are asking ALL parishioners to register or re-register.
Registered parishioners receive parish mailings (which may include tithing envelopes)
Once someone is 18 years of age, he/she should register on his/her own in the parish even if he/she still lives at home.
This is an online database maintained by the parish office. Staff members will be happy to check your registration status for you.
Are baptized in the Catholic Church. Fully initiated Catholics have also received First Holy Communion (typically around age 7) and Confirmation (typically around age 13) in the Catholic Church.
If married, you must be married in the Church. When people come asking to serve as liturgical ministers, godparents, etc. there is also the expectation that they are living according to their marital state which means single people should not be living with a significant other.
Are registered in a parish and actively practicing the faith through keeping the Precepts of the Church. The Church sets the following precepts as the minimum of what it means to be a practicing Catholic:
1. Attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. (We encourage submitting tithing envelopes each week, even when empty. If someone asks if you are a practicing Catholic, this helps us denote regular Mass attendance.)
2. Confession of serious sin at least once a year.
3. Reception of Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season.
4. Observance of the days of fasting and abstinence.
5. Providing for the needs of the Church.
If you are uncertain of your status as a practicing Catholic and wish to discuss your situation in confidence with a priest or deacon.
If you need the Sacrament of Reconciliation and cannot attend during our normally scheduled times.
If you need full initiation into the Church, please contact Becca Dickerson, Director of Evangelization.
Mass Times
Mass is celebrated both at the Historic Church (25 W. High Street)
and at the Xavier Center (465 Table Rock Road).
7:30 am (English) Historic Church
9:00 am (Bilingual) Xavier Center | Centro Xavier**
10:30 am (English) Historic Church
12:00 pm (Español) Centro Xavier
**Hybrid & Live Stream
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
6:30 pm (Español) Iglesia Histórica
12:00 pm (English) Historic Church
Adoration following Mass until 5:00 pm
4:00 pm (English) Historic Church