Liturgical Ministries
Altar Ministries
Altar servers have the privilege of serving the altar and our priests in the sanctuary during Mass. Altar servers receive training and instruction and should have received their first communion in order to serve.
Contact Coordinators
Mike & Stacy Dunlap (English)
Emma Salgado (Spanish) -
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) have the incredible privilege of serving communion at Mass. EMHCs receive training for this ministry. If you are feeling called to participate in this ministry, we invite you to speak with one of our priests.
EMHC Scheduling Coordinator:
Lee Marsiglia (English)
Ismael Garcia (Spanish) -
Our homebound ministry visits those in the St. Francis Xavier community that cannot come to Mass in person. Homebound ministers are trained EMHCs and instructed how to minister, visit, and serve communion to the homebound community. If you are not a trained EMHC but are interested in serving in Homebound Ministry, please speak with one of our priests.
Contact Coordinator, Pat Gannon.
The ministry of the Lector is rooted in the prophet Isaiah’s proclamation that God’s word “shall not return to me empty but shall do what pleases me, achieving the end for which I sent it” ( Isaiah 55:11). The word of God is a living word: through the action of the Holy Spirit, it moves the listener to a more active life in Christ. The Lector conveys this sacred message through the effective proclamation of God’s sacred word to the gathered community so that listeners open their souls to the message in the readings. The ministry is anchored in the lector’s own personal encounter and spiritual journey with the word in all its fullness. The resulting graces allow the lector to bring purpose and conviction in proclaiming the divine message. Indeed, the lector plays a role in James’ admonition that the faithful should “Be doers of the word and not hearers only” (1:22). If you feel a special affinity for God’s word, then perhaps this ministry is for you!
Contact Coordinator,
Greg Kauffman (English)
Margarita Elorriaga (Spanish) -
Sacristans carefully prepare and arrange liturgical books, vestments, vessels, candles, linens, and other things necessary for Mass under the direction of our priests. The sacristan makes sure all items are in good condition and ensures that all items for Mass are in ready supply including hosts, wine, linens, incense, and coals.
The sacristan usually takes care of the ringing of bells and ensures an attitude of reverence and preparation in the sacristy. He/she also ensures the linens in the church are appropriate for the liturgical seasons and everything in the sanctuary is in order.
If you are interested in training as a sacristan, please contact one of our priests.
Cantors and musicians minister at all Sunday Masses and special events. Music ministers attend a retreat, usually held in August, and have rehearsal together on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Historic Church.
Contact Music Ministry Director,
Mary Smith
Julie Reaver, Organist -
Music ministers provide music for all masses in Spanish.
Contact Coordinator, Gregorio Uribe
The Adult Choir ministers at Masses throughout the year and is open to those 18 years and older. The choir currently rehearses on Thursday evenings.
Contact Director, Cindie Kane.
The Children’s Choir is open to any interested 4th through 8th Grade students in the school and/or in the parish. We rehearse Fridays during the school year from 3:30-4:30 pm in the Music & Art Room, sing about once a month at Sunday Masses, and have two concerts a year. We perform a wide variety of both sacred and secular music and enjoy adding instruments to accompany our singing as well!
Contact Director: Mrs. Kelli Eisenberg
Accompanist: Mrs. Patrice Smith
Adoration, Praise & Worship nights occur once during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Contact Coordinator: Becca Dickerson
Greeters welcome and assist parishioners with questions with radical hospitality as they enter for Masses at SFX, both at the Historic Church & Xavier Center.
Ushers help welcome people to Mass, assist in helping to find a seat, collect the offertory, and generally keep watch on what is happening during Masses.
Contact Coordinator
Jeff Kane (English) -
Ministros include greeters and ushers at all Masses in Spanish.
Contact Coordinators
Caballeros de Colon (Spanish)
Mass Times
Mass is celebrated both at the Historic Church (25 W. High Street)
and at the Xavier Center (465 Table Rock Road).
7:30 am (English) Historic Church
9:00 am (Bilingual) Xavier Center | Centro Xavier**
10:30 am (English) Historic Church
12:00 pm (Español) Centro Xavier
**Hybrid & Live Stream
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
7:00 am (English) Historic Church
6:30 pm (Español) Iglesia Histórica
12:00 pm (English) Historic Church
Adoration following Mass until 5:00 pm
4:00 pm (English) Historic Church